Shopify Expert

Shopify Expert

From showcasing your products in style to making sure your customers have the smoothest checkout experience, let's create the perfect online store.

Some previous work

Shopify Packages

Front & BAck End Shop Creation

- up to 20 products: $3,000

- every additional 10 products +$500

Front End Only

- up to 20 products: $1,500

- every additional 10 products +$300

Back End Only

- up to 20 products: $1,500

- every additional 10 products +$300

  • crafting a beautiful store website
    adding photos and videos
    helping to create or choose logo and colors
    creating an easy to use checkout experience
    making the site mobile friendly
    securing a URL
    and more!

  • inputting product pricing, variants, inventory, photos, tags, and SKUs
    creating product collections
    setting up shipping and handling
    installing and setting up any apps that may be helpful (i.e Carbon Offsets, print on demand)